Jan 2016

Exceeded amount of curiousity had whispered me to get me taught my self about how to (accidentally) build a website. Thrown errors by buggy Wordpress (plugin) lead me to documentations which should procedurally read pieces to pieces. I created a Stack Overflow account. Purposedly to learn by answering (with non-sense solutions). A month right before I started to create a fully working site from scratch.

Well, actually, I had copied bunch of snippets from other works. But, that time, I knew (slightly) what I pasted.


Twitter Tool which provided bulk activities such as follow, unfollow, retweet, favorite (now "like") and of course tweet. Built natively with PHP and MySQL.
Automated Instagram Activity (abandoned) which did similar job with above. But, automated. Bunch of if/else and mt_rand() got me forcefully deleted the source code for giving me an unorganic behavior for one account. Built natively with PHP and MySQL.
Personal Website of mine. Filled with unimportant blog content. But, hey! I learned SCSS, here! Built with Laravel and its bundling technologies.
Could you please move to your wider desktop device so I can show you my stuff properly? I need more time to develop this. Sorry.