Feb 2017

A project I had to handle this time lend me so much time to learn more and more things. I had realized what things needed if I start a project next time. How should it written to share with my self in the future. The way I had to do was knowing the tools I'm using. The frameworks. The languages.

I had read every single word in every source code of tools I chose to use. Then realize that everything was easier to debug when I did. It also had fixed my doubt when the tool offers multiple ways to do an operation. Like, for performance.


FirstMedia website. Basically an ecommerce site that mainly sells its product by writing. Its products were consumed from wider project API. It comes with custom CMS. Built with Laravel 5.4, Bootstrap and jQuery.
Wordpress maintenance. Re-continue maintenance and bug fixing which mostly about pages styling.
Could you please move to your wider desktop device so I can show you my stuff properly? I need more time to develop this. Sorry.